I'm assuming you're referring to the animated movie "Trolls," released in 2016. Here are some details about the film:
Title: Trolls Release Year: 2016 Genre: Animated, Musical, Adventure, Comedy
Plot: "Trolls" is set in a vibrant, colorful world inhabited by the eternally optimistic Trolls, who love to sing, dance, and hug. The Trolls are constantly under threat from the Bergens, large creatures who believe they can find happiness by consuming Trolls. The Bergens capture some of the Trolls, leading Princess Poppy, the happiest Troll of them all, and her unlikely companion, the grumpy Troll named Branch, on a mission to rescue their friends from the Bergens.
Main Characters:
- Princess Poppy (voiced by Anna Kendrick): The optimistic and energetic leader of the Trolls.
- Branch (voiced by Justin Timberlake): A grumpy, survivalist Troll who reluctantly helps Poppy on her quest.
- Chef (voiced by Christine Baranski): The villainous Bergen chef who captures Trolls to prepare them as a special dish.
- King Gristle Jr. (voiced by Christopher Mintz-Plasse): The insecure young Bergen prince.
Other notable voice cast members include Zooey Deschanel, Russell Brand, Gwen Stefani, James Corden, and John Cleese.
Directors: Mike Mitchell and Walt Dohrn co-directed the film.
Reception: "Trolls" received generally positive reviews from critics and was a commercial success, grossing over $340 million worldwide. The film's catchy soundtrack, featuring original songs and popular covers, was particularly well-received. The success of the film led to the release of a sequel, "Trolls World Tour," in 2020.
Please note that if you were referring to a different movie or have any specific details in mind, feel free to let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you further.
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